Industrial Insurance Group Belgium NV considers each complaint an opportunity to evaluate its services and products.

If required, you can also call on our complaints handling department:

  • by telephone: (+32) (0) 476 882 188
  • by email:
  • by post: Dienst Klachtenmanagement Industrial Insurance Belgium NV, Louizalaan 85, in 1050 Brussels

If the answer of our complaints handling department is not entirely satisfactory, you are entitled to call on the Insurance Ombudsman (Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare 35 in 1000 Brussels – Tel. 02/547.58.71 – This is an independent ombudsman who deals with insurance disputes.

If insured via Lloyd’s, in exceptional circumstances, the complaint may be submitted to the legal representative of Lloyd’s:

Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A.
P.O. Box 30196
3001 DD Rotterdam
010- 2052110